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Correction: Amid Falling Milk Prices, Payment Program to Aid Dairy Producers
January 27, 2009 Editor's Note: The Ohio Ag Statistics for the number of pounds of milk produced and the value was incorrectly reported. Nearly 5 billion pounds of milk was produced in Ohio in 2007, valued at roughly $985 million. Please note the cha ...
Corn Surprises, Despite Rough Growing Season
December 16, 2005 COLUMBUS, Ohio — One couldn't tell from Ohio's average corn yield that 2005 was a rough season for growers. Ohio's corn yields are on par with the yield trend line, and better than expected given the weather-related chal ...
Corn Stover Removal Decreases Soil Carbon, Impacts Crop
October 1, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Removing corn stover for use in ethanol production decreases the amount of carbon stored in the soil, and has an adverse impact on overall soil fertility and crop development, according to Ohio State University research. ...
Corn Standing Tall Despite Severe Weather
July 18, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Despite severe weather that has been sweeping across Ohio bringing tornadoes and flooding, much of the state's corn crop has withstood the wrath of Mother Nature. According to the Ohio Agricultural Statistics Service, ...
Corn Rootworm Populations Decreasing in Ohio
January 8, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Populations of western corn rootworm beetles in Ohio soybean fields were lower this year than in 2000, according to a recent Ohio State University Extension survey. Bruce Eisley, an Ohio State Extension entomologist, said w ...
Corn Rootworm Populations Spreading
October 19, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Populations of Western corn rootworm and its variant counterpart continue to increase in fields throughout western and northwestern Ohio, and are even beginning to spread east, according to Ohio State University Extension ...
Corn Residue an Option if Forage Supplies are Short
October 9, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- With livestock forages, especially hay, still in short supply, feeding corn residue may help extend the grazing season. But, like other feeds, management is important. "Corn harvest has started and the residue that ...
Corn Rebounding from Cool, Wet Weather
May 4, 2005 WOOSTER, Ohio — Early planted corn throughout Ohio is beginning to germinate and, in some cases, is already emerging above-ground, signaling that the crop may have escaped serious disease problems potentially brought about by cold, wet conditi ...
Corn Production Focus of FSR Certified Crop Advisors Program
August 3, 2007 LONDON, Ohio-- Between this year's drought and the demand for ethanol, growing and managing corn has been a challenge for growers. From balancing nutrients to managing disease, corn production will be the topic of discussion at the Cer ...
Corn Production Techniques Showcased at SW Ohio Corn Growers Field Day
July 20, 2010 WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, Ohio – Corn production and management techniques will be the focus of the Southwest Ohio Corn Growers and Fayette County Agronomy Field Day on Aug. 18. The free event, sponsored by Ohio State University Extension, w ...