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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Despite Planting Delays, Wheat Getting Good Marks

    November 28, 2005 WOOSTER, Ohio — Despite the late start for Ohio wheat planting due to persistent rainfall and delayed corn and soybean harvest, the early performance of the crop is getting good marks.   According to the Ohio Agricultural Statistics Serv ...

  2. Despite Shaky Start, Wheat Looks Promising in Home Stretch

    June 29, 2006 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Ohio's wheat crop is winding down for the season and prospects for a good harvest are looking up.   Pierce Paul, an Ohio State University plant pathologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, said ...

  3. Despite Summer Drought, Corn Yields Heading for Record Books

    November 7, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Despite an abnormally dry season, and in some cases a severe drought, Ohio's corn harvest is wrapping up with better-than-expected yields, much to the surprise of growers and agronomists alike.   According to the U.S ...

  4. Develop a Marketing Strategy for Your Farmer's Market

    March 31, 2009 PIKETON, Ohio-- An effective marketing plan is vital to the success of any business, and a farmer's market is no exception. Ohio State University Extension will offer a workshop in April on direct marketing and sales strategies for far ...

  5. Delaying Corn Harvest Could Affect Yields

    October 28, 2005 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Low grain prices, unfavorable weather and hurricane-related transportation issues have some Ohio growers dragging their feet with corn harvest. But any further delay could cause severe stalk lodging and subsequent yield l ...

  6. Deep Tillage May Be of Value in Ohio

    March 26, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Deep tillage, also known as subsoiling, may be beneficial in alleviating soil compaction and improving crop yields. A culmination of 10 years of Ohio State University research on subsoiling has shown that certain soil types ...

  7. Dairy Producers Seeing Historically High Prices

    May 10, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio – Despite last season's financial woes, U.S. dairy producers have been enjoying historically high milk prices this year, driven mainly by an international demand for products that non-U.S. markets have been unable to fill. ...

  8. Delay Fall Alfalfa Cuttings to Replenish Supplies Next Spring

    October 24, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio producers planning to harvest alfalfa this fall should make their final cuttings closer to the killing frost to ensure high-energy, rigorous stands next spring.   Mark Sulc, an Ohio State University Extension forage ...

  9. Deadlines Looming for Farmers Interested in Farm Bill Disaster Program

    August 25, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio farmers who normally don't insure small acreage crops, such as wheat, may want the protection, especially if they are considering participating in a new 2008 Farm Bill production disaster program.   The new Suppl ...

  10. Crop Production Input Costs to Increase in 2008

    January 3, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- From seed to fertilizer, Ohio farmers can expect to pay more in input costs for corn and soybean production in 2008.   Barry Ward, an Ohio State University Extension economist, said that costs for corn production are expec ...
