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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Practical Tips to Improve Calf Welfare in Cold Weather

    Dr. Grazyne Tresoldi, Assistant Professor, Animal Welfare, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University As winter approaches, low ambient temperatures and high humidity pose serious challenges for all calves, with very young ones being especia ...

  2. Winter Calf Management

    Jason Hartschuh, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock, Ohio State University Extension I was slightly more ready for cold weather this year than the last couple. I had the fans taken down so that my ...

  3. VOLUME 26: ISSUE 6


  4. Saving Tips and Turkey Talk: How To Cut Meal Costs, Bake A Good Bird

    As many will gather this week, make sure that an atmosphere of gratitude is shared for the many blessings we have ...

  5. Planning For The Future Of Your Farm Workshop

    Planning For The Future Of Your Farm Workshop Session 1: March 11th Session 2: March 13th 6:00pm- 9:00pm Fisher Auditorium, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691 $85 Register by calling 330-264-8722 or by filling out and mailing event registration form. Pa ...

  6. The Last of the TTUN Events

    Student Activities Center will be closing tomorrow at 8:00pm and will remain closed throughout the Thanksgiving Break. It will reopen on Monday, December 2 nd  at 10am Ice Cream Sundaes in The Gathering Place 3pm-5pm (TODAY!-Monday-available to all studen ...

  7. Office Closed


  8. Office Closed


  9. Congratulations, Maranda Berger Morrow!

    Maranda Berger Morrow won the Turfgrass Water Conservation Poster Competition in San Antonio at the International ASA CSSA and SSA meetings Nov 10-13. Berger Morrow is an MS advisee of Ed Nangle and Dominic Petrella, turfgrass faculty at ATI has been work ...

  10. Important Dates

    Here are some important dates coming up: Wednesday, Nov. 27: o     Thanksgiving Break Begins: no classes, offices open Thursday, Nov. 28: o     Thanksgiving Day: no classes, offices closed Friday, Nov. 29: o     Indigenous Peoples Day (observed): no class ...
