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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Darke County Health Dept Offers Newborn Home Visits

    Newborn Home Visits in Darke County Greenville, Ohio – The first few days and weeks home with a newborn can be a challenging time for everyone. Let our free Family Connects program help you. Our nurses Emily, Casey, Kim, and Janet are here to provide help ...

  2. Pesticide and Fertilizer Decisions

    Many factors need to be considered when making the decision to use pesticides and fertilizers. Join Caden Buschur, Darke County Extension ANR Educator, to get information to help you make the decision that's right for you. For more information contac ...

  3. Shared Harvest

    Shared Harvest is preparing boxes to be distributed to Darke County residents for this hands-free food distribution. A family receiving food will need to bring photo id and a piece of mail and will provide verbal  self-attestation for income.   All Darke ...

  4. ACEL names 2025 Outstanding Seniors

    The Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL) has named nine students to the 2025 class of ACEL Outstanding Seniors. These students were selected by the faculty and staff of the department for their excellence both in and ...

  5. IMPLAN Extension Reports

    OSU Extension's IMPLAN User Team is interested in sharing timely economic reports with area leaders and other county staff on county or regional economies. IMPLAN is an economic input-output tool licensed by the CD unit that offers unique data sets f ...

  6. A letter to alumni, friends from our chair

    Greetings friends and alumni! As I write this note we are firmly in winter’s cold and the recent start of a new semester is a sure reminder that the seasons definitely pass, and the years indeed roll. It has been some time since we’ve been able to produce ...

  7. ACEL Alumni in the News: Autumn Semester

    The accomplishments of ACEL alumni continue to make headlines, showcasing their impact in agricultural communication, education, and leadership. From career advancements to groundbreaking research, their successes highlight the strength of our alumni netw ...

  8. ACEL faculty, graduate students receive numerous awards throughout 2024 semesters

    Faculty and staff from the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership were recognized for their outstanding contributions with awards received at local, national, and international conferences throughout the summer and autumn seme ...

  9. ACEL thanks alumni, friends for gifts

    The Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL) is grateful for the generous support of alumni, friends, and stakeholders who contributed to a variety of funds that enhance our programs and support our students, faculty, and ...

  10. ACEL awards undergraduate scholarships

    Fifty outstanding students have been awarded scholarships from the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL) at The Ohio State University, receiving a combined total of more than $70,000 in financial support. Recognized fo ...
