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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Blast Off!

    Blast Off! a free-to-attend online parent education series is back. The sessions use Active Parenting curricula--videos and discussions to introduce information concepts that may help participants to improve their parenting. Blast Off! This series will be ...

  2. Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop

    Drowning in student loan debt? Ready to equip yourself with tools to minimize the burden of student loan debt? Then our workshop is perfect for you.  Topics Covered: Navigating the U.S. Department of Education  website Steps to take before ...

  3. Laura Halladay

    Laura Halladay Program Specialist, Healthy People 937-376-7208 (remote) 100 Fairground Road Xenia, OH 45432 Program specialization:  Healthy people programming, including food safety, health and wellness, home food preservation, nutriti ...

  4. Local Workshop Helps Older Adults Reduce Their Fear Of Falling

      When wrapping up one of our Stepping On workshops, it was interesting to hear about some of the changes participants had made because of the seven-week program.             “I dejunked my apartment,” said one of them.             Another completed a med ...

  5. Farms Need An Emergency Plan

    Emergencies aren’t foreseen and no two are exactly alike.  It is important for you develop a plan on how you, and your facility, would respond to potential disasters ...

  6. Shared Harvest

    GREENVILLE, OH-- Shared Harvest Foodbank, in partnership with OSU Extension, Darke County, and Darke County United Way, will once again host a “drive-thru” food distribution at Radiant Lighthouse on Wednesday, October 23 rd  from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.  S ...

  7. Lauren Roberson, PhD, RD, LD

    Lauren Roberson, PhD, RD, LD Assistant Professor and State Specialist, Community Nutrition 614-688-0261 Lauren Roberson is a licensed dietitian with the State Medical Board of Ohio. She is also a scientific writing and editorial servi ...

  8. Shared Harvest

    Shared Harvest is preparing boxes to be distributed to Darke County residents for this hands-free food distribution. A family receiving food will need to bring photo id and a piece of mail and will provide verbal  self-attestation for income.   All Darke ...

  9. Falling for Pumpkins

    What can we do with a pumpkin besides carve it into a jack-o-lantern?   Let’s get to know all about this spooky superfood and how it can be deliciously prepared in so many ways. We will learn a lot and taste even more! Join Tina McGillvary, OSU Extension ...

  10. Youth in Agriculture

    Today’s youth is the Future of Agriculture. Join Caden Buschur, Darke County Extension, ANR Educator, to discover careers available in the field of agriculture. He will discuss youth organizations, career pathways, and opportunities to get involved with a ...
