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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Ten Keys to Happier Living with the name and email for each registrant wanting to attend. Instructor: Laura Stanton, OSU ...

  2. FST Students Named to 2021 Autumn Semester Dean's List

    completed a minimum of 12 graded credit hours with a GPA of 3.5 or higher for the Autumn 2021 semester. ...

  3. Dr. Hua Wang

    mitigation: a complicated issue begging for targeted investigation. Microbe. 5(12): 504-505. ... Microbe-AR-recommendation-otfkwe.pdf ( Zhang L, Huang Y, Zhou Y, Buckley T, Wang HH. 2013. Antibiotic ... only (002).pdf The U.S.-UK Global Innovation Initiative team delivered international conference and ...

  4. NIFA Grant Awarded to HCS Professor- Dr. Michelle Jones

    “invested over $6 million to support  12 projects  as part of the Foundational Knowledge of Agricultural ...

  5. COVID-19 Updates and Resources

    guide,  Grocery Ordering Online  [PDF]. You can also find both of these resources at  ... Health of Others  [PDF ] COVID-19 Guidance for Older Adults – CDC and Prevention Early Childhood ... [PDF ] COVID-19 IS CORONAVIRUS A CONCERN ON FRESH PRODUCE?  [PDF ] COVID-19 FOOD SAFETY FOR SPECIALTY ...

  6. FST's Kowalcyk appointed chair of FDA Science Board

    educator, after her son, Kevin, died in 2001 at age 2 1/2 from complications from an E. coli O157:H7 ...

  7. Sustainable Living Workshop

    More and more of us are realizing the importance of our choices on the environment. To be better stewards of our planet, there are activities and decisions that we can make to limit our negative impact on the Earth. In this workshop, Warren County's ...

  8. JFB Application Deadline

    Find the job description and application here: ...

  9. ChopChop Kids Club Newsletter Archive

    delicious, too! You can make the crisp with different fruits all summer long. Volume 12: Applesauce (PDF ... Newsletter Archive Click on any of the links below to find a PDF version of each ChopChop Kids ... health. Volume 23: Squash   (PDF) This month we're cooking with squash! Plus doing a lot more with ...

  10. Endowed Chairs and Distinguished Professors

    applications of engineering concepts to food processing from 2004-12. DISTINGUISHED PROFESSORS Distinguished ...
