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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Department 5: Sheep

    12th 12:00 Noon Pen assignments are available, and fair set-up may begin. Saturday, July 13th, 6:00 ... the fair rule. Sunday, July 14th, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon Veterinary inspection of all sheep projects. ... Sheep must be uncovered and in their assigned pens. Sunday, July 14th 12:00 Noon Market lamb weigh-in ...

  2. Department 4: Goats

    be discarded following the fair. Age Classes 1) Senior (15 years and older) 2) Intermediate (12 to 14 ... Mandatory 4-H Livestock Interviews Fair Schedule:  Friday, July 12,12:00 Noon Stall assignments are ...

  3. Department 10: Rabbits

    the 2025 Warren County Fair Fair Schedule:  Friday, July 12th 12:00 Noon Pen assignments are ... Llama/Alpaca, Poultry & Rabbit exhibitor meeting (Building C) Tuesday, July 16th 12:00 noon Deadline to ...

  4. Innovative tech shows promise to boost rubber production in US

    substance doubled the available latex and that yield was increased by 12-fold when a creaming agent was ...

  5. Yellowstone to Yukon: Enhancing Rocky Mountain animal migration through remote sensing and international collaboration

    analytics, Denison University.   12:00 p.m. Program concludes.   Speakers Gil Bohrer, PhD, professor, Civil ...

  6. Department 6: Swine

    12th 12:00 Noon Pen assignments are available, and fair set-up may begin. Saturday, July 13th, 6:00 ...

  7. Recognition of historical injustices in agriculture and the importance of environmental experiences for racial healing

    Association, Farm Manager, Lincoln Heights Movement Jackson Street Farm, Cincinnati, reviews her team’s ...

  8. BroadbandOhio awards Ohio State $125,000 for agricultural connectivity project

    Jackson-Smith, CFAES professor and W.K. Kellogg Foundation Endowed Chair in Agricultural Ecosystems Management. ... Business’ Subcommittee on Innovation and Workforce Development. Jackson-Smith said further legislation to ...

  9. Quality Assurance Training

    10:00 AM- 12:00 PM at the Jackson County Fairgrounds. Participants must be on time and stay the ...

  10. Livestock Judging Team finishes strong in successful season

    Keystone International Livestock Exposition in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and 12th High Team overall at the ...
