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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Baseball with the Buckeyes

    support Ohio 4-H. Come early at 12:45 p.m. for a behind-the-scenes locker room tour and be on the field ...

  2. OMK Camp

    Island):  OMK Camp Kelleys Island Teen Camp is designed specifically with your teens (12 to 15) in mind. The ...

  3. Ohio 4-H Conference is underway virtually!

    The 2021 Ohio 4-H Conference began on Saturday, Feb. 20 and continues this week with evening sessions online for more than 850 registraints. The conference kicked off with a welcome from Jennifer Sirangelo, National 4-H Council CEO and Dr. Hannah Epley, I ...

  4. Healthy Living Demonstrations at the Coshocton County Fair

    their cooking skills at the “Tasting Smorgasbord.” Tasting is open to the public beginning at 12:30 PM. ...

  5. Healthy Living Demonstrations at the Coshocton County Fair

    their cooking skills at the “Tasting Smorgasbord.” Tasting is open to the public beginning at 12:30 PM. ...

  6. Ohio 4-H Members Compete in National Livestock Judging Contests

    JoAnn Fogle, competed in the Aksarben Livestock Judging Contest in Nebraska. The team judged 12 classes ... Beef  Team: 14 th  Overall, 12 th  in Swine, 12 th  in Beef, 13 th  in Sheep/Goats, 13 th  in Oral ... Oral Reasons Ashlyn O’Brien: 8 th  Overall, 3 rd  in Sheep, 7 th  in Goats, 12 th  in Swine Team: 3 rd  ...

  7. Tasting Smorgasbord

    Set up is at 12:30pm ...

  8. 1990's

    enthusiasts each summer. Phyllis and her husband Paul initiated the event 12 years ago and continue to provide ...

  9. Ohio 4-H Conference

    With more than 80 sessions over three days, volunteers and teens will get great ideas and activities for this year. Register today!  ...

  10. Private Pesticide & Fertilizer Applicatior Recertification Training

    12:30 to 3:30p.m. Categories Offered: Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6   IF attending both sessions, packing your ...
