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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. OSU Weed Day is July 12

    crops. On July 12, OSU weed specialists will display some of that research during a field day for ...

  2. Ohio Maple Days

    refreshments and handouts, and is due before Jan. 12. Payment at the door is $40 and may not include lunch. ...

  3. Ohio Maple Days

    refreshments and handouts, and is due before Jan. 12. Payment at the door is $40 and may not include lunch. ...

  4. Ohio Maple Days

    Jan. 12. Payment at the door is $40 and may not include lunch. Send your name, contact information, ...

  5. Tick Season Has Officially Started in Ohio

    spread by ticks, fleas and mosquitos have tripled in the last 12 years, with Ohio among the states with ...

  6. From Summits to Sustainability: Reaching for High Places, Personally and Professionally

    Seattle-based REI, on April 12 at The Ohio State University. Sahney, who at age 38 has climbed the highest peaks ...

  7. Ohio Maple Days on tap January 18-20

    includes lunch, refreshments and handouts; and is due by Jan. 12. Preregistration is required to receive ...

  8. NSCW Intermediate Goals

    Intermediate Goals (1-2 years) of the Signature Program: Conduct cooperative on farm and field ...

  9. Environmental Professional Network’s Public Breakfast Club

    Water Quality Issues: OSU Research and Agency Initiatives Guide Farmers’ Solutions” on Sept. 12. Details ...

  10. July 27: How Ohio Communities Can Handle Pluses, Minuses of Oil and Gas Work

    Water Quality Issues: OSU Research and Agency Initiatives Guide Farmers’ Solutions” on Sept. 12. Details ...
