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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Wider Row-Spacing Favorable for Wheat, Beneficial for Farmers

    has saved one bushel at $12 a bushel for seed. He may lose four bushels of grain in yield, but at ...

  2. Soybean Production Woes Continue into Harvest

    stayed with the crop for more than three weeks. As of the September 12 crop production report, the U.S. ...

  3. Ohio Growers Replanting Corn

    throughout Ohio, planted as early as the week of April 12, are being replanted due to seed damage and death ...

  4. More Rain Could Mean Higher Corn Prices

    climb 10 to 12 cents higher because of the weather," said Matt Roberts. "I think the real ...

  5. Dry Weather Contributing to High-Quality Wheat Grain

    period usually runs from 12 to 21 days long with 15 to 18 days being typical. "A wheat crop produces ...

  6. TWEL Andrea Lindsay Thesis

    measures the ratio of 13C to 12C (δ13C) in plant and animal tissues, and can reflect local vegetation ...

  7. Wide Variety of Lettuces Can Be Grown in Ohio

    satisfy the interests of not only Ohio's 12 million citizens but also consumers in other locations. ...

  8. Best Time to Harvest Corn a Guessing Game

    September 12, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- From too much rain to not enough, to threatening diseases, ...

  9. A Little Cunning May Do the Trick in Pepper Management

    January 12, 2005 WOOSTER, Ohio — The trick to outsmarting insects and diseases on peppers may lie ...

  10. Research Determining Best Time to Subsoil

    a conservation practice that breaks up soil 12-18 inches deep, allowing increased water movement, better aeration ...
