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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. CD Weekly Wire- September 4, 2012 The newsletter features information on the transition to the electronic submission of IRB ...

  2. Keep in Mind Insect Pests When Planting Soybeans

    fields had as high as a 12 to 15 bushel loss per acre. There were reports in Ohio that indicated loss ...

  3. Keep an Eye Out for Ticks, OSU Researcher Recommends

    American dog tick. It's brown and lacks the white markings on its back. Ohio is home to 12 tick ...

  4. Future of Nursery Industry May Lie in A Greenhouse

    seedlings to "whip" height-- four to eight feet tall and a 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch in diameter-- to ...

  5. Communiqué March 19, 2014

    completion date in August, she will be appointed to a 12-month position at the rank of assistant professor ...

  6. CD Wire- March 12, 2013

    AD Update: Streamlining Reporting via RiV Last week we talked about communicating the impact of your work. Use of the  LOGIC Model   helps identify specifically what you are trying to achieve and how you intend to achieve it. Going the next step involves ...

  7. Communiqué September 25, 2013

    Guide) $12 (advertised in 4-H Family Guide; all others vary) County offices purchasing through eStore ...

  8. Harvesting Corn for Silage A Tough Decision

    rows knock yields back pretty quickly and we may have a lot of 12-row corn out there. Plants that ...

  9. CD Weekly Wire- May 6, 2013

    Energy Self-Assessments- May 10 at 12:00 p.m. Shale Energy Development's Effect on the Posting, ... Leaders have to offer: Strengthening Extension Advisory Leaders (SEAL) Panel Session- May 20 at 12:30 p.m. ...

  10. Wet Spring Ideal to Practice Controlled Traffic

    corn planted early. For example, switching from a six-row planter to a 12-row planter, or trading ...
