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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. OARDC Names 2009 Junior Faculty Research Award Winners: Land Use, Food-borne Illness Experts

    education, having advised 12 graduate students and mentored many others, particularly women; and has worked ...

  2. 'More Beef for Less Money' Highlight of Field Day

    consisting of 12 pounds of corn, four pounds of hay and two pounds of a protein-and-mineral supplement ...

  3. Drought Adding A Wrinkle to Crop Marketing Decisions

    reason is because of the potential for changes in the Sept. 12 release of the next USDA production ...

  4. Still to Receive American Horticultural Society's Highest Honor June 10

    by a group of your peers?" The Liberty Hyde Bailey Award is one of 12 awards to be bestowed on ...

  5. Pre-Emergent Herbicides Effective for Weed Control

    they plant soybeans and then let the weeds grow to about 12 inches to 24 inches tall before they make ... ae/A. Applications to plants more than 12 inches tall can put producers at significant risk of soybean ...

  6. Blowing in the Wind: OSU Extension Helps Communities Develop Wind Energy Projects

    passed, in 2008, the landmark Senate Bill 221, which requires 12.5 percent of the state's electricity ...

  7. OARDC Breaks Ground for Unique Ag Safety Research Facility

    April 12, 2010 • Economic impacts range from increased food security and safety to ability ...

  8. New Trick in Measuring Carbon Shows Conservation Tillage Value

    Conference on Jan. 9 from 3:20 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. The conference will take place Jan. 9-12 at the Netherland ...

  9. Drought Adding A Wrinkle to Crop Marketing Decisions

    reason is because of the potential for changes in the Sept. 12 release of the next USDA production ...

  10. Deep Tillage May Be of Value in Ohio

    never been abused by heavy machinery." Subsoiling is a practice that breaks up soil, usually 12 ...
