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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-22

    ( for control options.  If you suspect you have an economic situation, please contact insect state ... plants in 5 locations in a field, and inspect the upper surface of the 1-2 top most leaves. Female WBC ... the current “Weed Control Guide for Ohio and Indiana”.  A pdf of this publication can be found at ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-13 And for organic growers, remember that Entrust is a spinosad product that is permissible on ... For information on fungicide application technology for scab control go to ... Cereal Leaf Beetle Thresholds Authors: Bruce Eisley, Andy Michel, Ron Hammond We recently sampled ...

  3. Large Variation in Forage Grass Performance in 2014

    declined by 1.2 tons/acre. Yield and winter injury of forage grass species near South Charleston, OH during ... a very long time to recover last spring. We delayed the first cutting of perennial ryegrass until June 12 ...

  4. Corn Management Practices for Later Planting Dates – Changes to Consider

    Moreover, according to NASS estimates, only 12% of the crop has emerged.  Weather forecasts indicate the ...

  5. Pelletized Lime in Production Systems

    (  the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybeans, Wheat and Alfalfa ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-28

    Day at Farm Focus – September 12th Potential For Stalk Rot And Lodging in Corn: Drought Effects ... harvested at full dent following defoliation, and at 11-12% when plants were harvested at late dent ... Day at Farm Focus – September 12th Coming up on Monday, September 12, 2005, the Farm Focus committee ...

  7. Weather Outlook for the First Half of June

    1-2 degrees cooler than normal for the first half of June after a warmer than average finish to May. ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-01

    Hancock Hardin Licking Morrow-0.2-0.6 1.2 4.2 2.2 4.6 0.5 4.5 3.0 4.4 2.2 5.5 6.0 5.1 4.8 Table 3. Seven ... Shelby/J Wood/M Wood/S 1.0 3.1 3.1-1.5 0.1 0.2 5.1 13.0 7.0 13.6 8.0 3.8 0.9 15.2 12.5 7.3 15.3 8.1 2.6 4.3 ... 12 13 Table 5. Yield difference (bu/A) of fungicide treatments combined across four soybean varieties ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-11 Efficacy ratings for each fungicide listed in the table were determined by field testing the ... returning. Temperatures will average 1-5 degrees above normal. Rainfall is forecast to be 1-2 inches with ..., that crop rotation is the best way to remove resistant rootworms and stop their spread.  There ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-35  On the adult stink bug, note the alternating dark and light bands on the last two segments of the ...
