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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Now's the Time for Fall Herbicide Treatments

    October 12, 2004 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Now that Ohio has experienced its first frost of the season, ...

  2. Chow Line: Watch the toppings for a healthy salad (for 9/11/11)

    the College of Education and Human Ecology. Martha Filipic Julie Kennel chow.salads.pdf False False ...

  3. Heat Stress Costs U.S. Livestock Producers Billions

    August 12, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- The impact of heat stress on livestock costs U.S. livestock ...

  4. Facing Compacted Soils? Practice Continuous No-Till for Better Yields

    plots, there was no additional intentional compaction for 12 years. In that situation, subsoiling gave ...

  5. A Green Solution to Storm Water Management

    a good chance for success. The technique involves planting vegetation on raised beds (8-12 inches high), ...

  6. Nematode Species Effective Biological Control of Slugs

    against the grey garden slug. To date, 12 parasitic nematode species have been identified that show ...

  7. Strip Tillage an Option for No-Till Farmers with Continuous Corn

    March 12, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- No-till farmers looking to plant corn after corn this growing ...

  8. Producers Facing Hay Shortage, But Forage Options Aplenty

    cow's requirements can be met by feeding 12 pounds of whole-shelled corn, 2 pounds of commercial ...

  9. Using New Genetic Techniques to Raise Bigger Yellow Perch

    price of $3.12 per pound. Ohio ranks No. 1 in the nation in sales of yellow perch, and is an integral ...

  10. Low-Energy Grain Drying System to be Demonstrated at Farm Science Review

    and storage. Cooling can take anywhere from four hours to 12 hours depending on the type of ...
