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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Miami County Jr. Chef Registration now FULL

    All Sessions of Miami County Jr. Chefs are now FULL.  Registration for Miami County Jr. Chefs 2023 is now open. We encourage you not to wait to register. We anticipate that we will fill both weeks by the end of the day. Cost: $70.00 Link: https://go.osu.e ...

  2. Stephen Brady

    State University Extension as a 4-H Youth Educator.    Stephen Brady-  Curriculum Vitae (PDF) ...

  3. PPGSA

     (Word) > PPGSA Constitution (pdf) The Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association (PPGSA) is ...

  4. Camp Registration closes May 5, 2023.

    Make sure to register befor the deadline, May 5, 2023. June 11-15, 2023 for Jr. 4-H Camp and June 16, 2023 for Cloverbud Day Camp! Click here  for registration for Jr. Camp Click here  for registration for Cloverbud Day Camp! ...

  5. Occasional Quantity Cooks Online Volunteer Training

    Ohio State University Extension provides training for Extension volunteers and employees who provide leadership to the preparation and/or service of food at sponsored events. Occasional Quantity Cooks training materials are designed to raise your awarenes ...

  6. Occasional Quantity Cooks Online Volunteer Training

    Ohio State University Extension provides training for Extension volunteers and employees who provide leadership to the preparation and/or service of food at sponsored events. Occasional Quantity Cooks training materials are designed to raise your awarenes ...

  7. Occasional Quantity Cooks Online Volunteer Training

    Ohio State University Extension provides training for Extension volunteers and employees who provide leadership to the preparation and/or service of food at sponsored events. Occasional Quantity Cooks training materials are designed to raise your awarenes ...

  8. Occasional Quantity Cooks Online Volunteer Training

    Ohio State University Extension provides training for Extension volunteers and employees who provide leadership to the preparation and/or service of food at sponsored events. Occasional Quantity Cooks training materials are designed to raise your awarenes ...

  9. Join us for the Ohio State Earth Day Festival!

    Join Ohio State sustainability student organizations in a celebration of Earth Day on April 21st, from 3-7pm! The event will take place outside* on the South Oval and in Browning Amphitheatre near Mirror Lake on campus and feature live music from a collec ...

  10. Ohio State Earth Day Festival

    Join Ohio State sustainability student organizations in a celebration of Earth Day on April 21st, from 3-7pm! The event will take place outside* on the South Oval and in Browning Amphitheatre near Mirror Lake on campus and feature live music from a collec ...
