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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Communiqué February 19, 2014

    initiative. Along with 12 other states, we will be hosting a reflective and deliberate discussion on Extension ... be directed to upload this completed logic model worksheet pdf with your online proposal. Following ... trained as observers, ALR is designed to help you evaluate and reflect on your skills in 12 key areas ...

  2. Communiqué March 27, 2013

    March 12. They welcomed the new members of the committee. Keith shared the latest information from ... and in our college will take place over the next 12-18 months. The college name locked up with the new ...

  3. Communiqué February 18, 2015

    for the 12-month period before using leave (60.1 % FTE or greater for the entire 12-month period); ...

  4. Communiqué December 20, 2012

    will be sponsored by the Alber Enterprise Center of Marion. Executive Workshop brochure-rev2.pdf Back ...

  5. Communiqué February 27, 2013

    map. This provides a PDF format of the Dossier Report with a description of how and where to enter ...

  6. Communiqué August 20, 2014

    personal gain. Attachments are permitted; PDF format is preferred, versus Word docs or other formats. When ...

  7. Communiqué January 3, 2013

    for your 2012 performance review will be emailed to you the week of January 7, 2013. The PDF will come ...

  8. Communiqué June 19, 2013

    evaluate and reflect on your skills in 12 key areas (e.g., conflict management, communication, and ...

  9. Communiqué April 16, 2014

    Illinois from November 12 to 15. The call for proposals and more information are available at the MWERA ...

  10. Communiqué April 1, 2015

    V. Drake, president of The Ohio State University, is the speaker for the 12th annual James F. ... projects meeting needs of the underserved in Franklin and Athens counties during the last 12 months. Once ...
