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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. OSU Extension Offers Businesses Training, Advice on Renewable Energy Production

    wind project in Ohio, this renewable energy system produces 12 million kilowatt hours annually and offsets ...

  2. CFAES Diversity mini-grants announced

    Diversity mini-grant program  here  (pdf).-- Kathy Lechman,  Diversity Development ...

  3. New testing method could make phosphorus monitoring cheaper, faster

    "It's going to be a blast if we can recruit enough people." Read more (pdf)...-- Christina Dierkes, ...

  4. 4-H Helps Teen Transcend Learning Disability, Provides Beeline for Successful Future

    One hive expanded to 12, which then became 13 when a queen wasn’t laying properly. And one day in late ...

  5. Going to Waste: Ohio State Wooster Campus Gets 30% of Its Electricity from Refuse-generated Biogas

    food-processing wastes to meet close to one-third of the 12-megawatt-hour annual electricity needs of its main ...

  6. Migration station: Stone Lab staff helps migrating monarchs

    and release 254 butterflies on their way to Mexico." Read the whole story (pdf; p. 14) …--  ...

  7. OARDC Scientist Leads New Great Lakes Fire Science Consortium

    latest  national wildfire risk forecast (pdf). There’s an archived “Science Library”; current and past ...

  8. Extension Volunteer Efforts Tally Thousands of Years of Service

    Martha Filipic Editor: National Volunteer Week is April 6-12, 2014. BRYAN, Ohio-- When Donna ...

  9. Do the ‘12 Days of Christmas’ Birds Live in Ohio?

    Kurt Knebusch COLUMBUS, Ohio — In the holiday song “ The Twelve Days of Christmas,” someone’s true love gives them … quite a few birds. Given that the song has European roots — it apparently came from France and was published first in England — does it ho ...

  10. Growing numbers: CFAES enrollment up 3.3 percent

    autumn enrollment numbers from 2011 to 2012, undergraduate enrollment in AGR and ENR combined is up 1.2 ...
