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Ohio 4-H Prepares Young People for the Workforce
2009, JET is open to all Adventure Central youth ages 12 and up. Those interested complete an ... and it showed. "Even our 12-, 13- and 14-year-olds interviewed so well, they would be highly ...
Growers Not Limited to One Sprayer Option for Soybean Rust
obtained from the following Web site: "We ...
ECO Farming Saves Growers Money, Improves Soil and Benefits Environment, Researchers Say
the organic matter because we have live plants in the soil for 12 months a year as compared to ...
Harmful Algal Blooms Impacting Landowner Ponds and Small Lakes
:// Ohio isn't the only state experiencing problems with ...
OSU Expert: Early Ohio Wheat Harvest Opens Door for Double-Crop Soybeans
removed so that is does not interfere with soybean planting. No more than 12 inches of wheat stubble ...
OSU Extension Offers Resources and Information to Manage Drought as Conditions Intensify Statewide
can do so at OSU Extension’s Facebook page at This is ...
Communiqué June 24, 2011
Documents june24-2011_CFAESvoluntaryseparationincentiveprogramFINAL.pdf Changes Made to A&P Guidelines- ... ( The Extension Business Office realizes that a less expensive option is preferred, and the costs to ...
What's the Best Way to Burn (or Not) Certain Forests Around the Great Lakes? New Program Has Science-based Answers
latest national wildfire risk forecast (pdf). There’s an archived “Science Library”; current and past ...
Communiqué January 7, 2015
deadline is January 12. Visit the following link to register--- ... Please forward this to all faculty and staff in your unit. The PDF is available at ...
University Wetland Gets International Eye
Aug. 11-12 to shoot footage for a documentary to air in Korea during the international Ramsar ...