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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Dry Weather Can Pose A Feeding Risk for Livestock

    sheep on sudangrass or hybrids until the plants are 12 inches to 15 inches tall; 18 inches to 24 inches ...

  2. Droughts Have Few Financial Impacts on Farmers

    cash receipts were predicted in May to be $12.7 billion and in August the number was at $14.7 billion, ...

  3. Ohio Peach Industry Peachy Keen

    November 12, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Peaches may very well be one of Ohio agriculture's ...

  4. Unusual Weather Yields Variable Berry Production

    August 12, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- An unseasonably warm winter may have contributed to what's ...

  5. International IPM Program a Success for Tomato Producers in Africa

    24 times per season to 12, it resulted in a reduction of spray costs," he said. "We used to ...

  6. Ohio Fish Farms Rising Fast: $50M Impact, New Jobs

    Malaysian prawns, currently retail for up to $12 a pound. But no one had raised them on a large commercial ...

  7. Project Comes To The Rescue of Ohio's Agricultural Literature

    February 12, 2003 WOOSTER, Ohio — Unique and invaluable publications that convey the history of ...

  8. Materials Aim to Help Pregnant Women Prevent Foodborne Illness

    December 12, 2011 0 0 1 582 3335 The Ohio State University 56 21 3896 14.0 96 800x600 Normal ...

  9. Don't Panic. Soybean Rust is Manageable

    November 12, 2004 WOOSTER, Ohio — With soybean rust now officially confirmed in the United States, ...

  10. What's New at This Year's Farm Science Review

    farmer." Farm Science Review pre-show tickets go on sale July 12 for $5 at all OSU Extension county ...
