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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Communiqué July 23, 2014

    are posted online: In addition to ... rescission, which impacted Extension’s appropriation by approximately $830,000 (fiscal year 10/1/12 ... Leadership Conference to be held February 11-12, 2015 at Las Vegas, Nevada. Who should attend this ...

  2. New manager named for Farm Science Review

    Nick Zachrich began his new position as manager of the Farm Science Review on Sept. 12, just days ...

  3. RSVP Today! 2017 Alumni Awards Lunch

    Columbus campus. The program is as follows: 11:30 a.m. – Registration 12:00 p.m. – Buffet Lunch 1:00 p.m. ...

  4. CYP Image Downloads

    Celebrate Your Plate Recipe Photography Downloads Recipes and large print (LP) PDFs Hummus Hummus (LP) Apple Corn Chili Apple Corn Chili (LP) Baked Tortilla Chips Baked Tortilla Chips (LP) Baked Apple For One Baked Apple For One (LP) Banana Pudding in a B ...

  5. Communiqué September 12, 2012

    images. YouTube now checks for copyright violations. If the video is flagged for a violation, we must be ...

  6. Communiqué October 10, 2011

    schedule one meeting per license at a specific time. Currently, we can hold up to 12 meetings at any one ... oct10-2011_Extension Support Staff Excellence Guidelines-App.pdf CES Support Staff Awards- Applications due October 31 ... apply today. Related Documents oct10-2011_CES Award Flier.pdf oct10-2011_CES nsltr brochure-web page ...

  7. Communiqué February 6, 2012

    open and read the attached tutorial PDF to learn how to properly use the “Renew” feature in OSU:pro. On ... PDF, contact either Debby Lewis ( or Kim Bahnsen Showalter ( in ... feb62012_osupro_extensionprogramrenewinstructions.pdf EEET Update On January 9, EEET annual summary reports were sent out to all county-based program ...

  8. Celebrate National 4-H Week this year with Honor an Advisor

    Donations in any amount can be made to the county of your choice. Those honored between September 12 and ...

  9. Action Leadership Retreat

    who are trained as observers, ALR is designed to help you evaluate and reflect on your skills in 12 ...

  10. A Day in the Woods- 2nd Friday Series

    Series” programs scheduled for 2015 include: Forest Health and Invasive Species (June 12); Historic Land ...
