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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1986-1992

    of purebred Holstein cattle in Jackson, Ross and Pickaway counties. In addition to his farming ...

  2. Ohio State Livestock Judging Team shows strong start

    Show held Sept. 8-12 in Austin, Minn. for their first competition of the season. The team competed ...

  3. Ohio Maple Days – Geauga County

    is January 12. Payment at the door is $35 and doesn’t include lunch. The January 22 Geauga County ...

  4. Ohio Maple Days – Wayne County

    is January 12. Payment at the door is $35 and doesn’t include lunch. The January 22 Geauga County ...

  5. Ohio Maple Days – Morrow County

    is January 12. Payment at the door is $35 and doesn’t include lunch. The January 22 Geauga County ...

  6. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    systems with cows on pasture for 120 to 180 days per year (‘meadow milk’ with about $1.12/cwt premium) or ...

  7. A Night in the Forest- 2nd Friday Series

    Health and Invasive Species (June 12); Historic Land Use-How it Shaped our Forests (July 10); Tree ...

  8. A Night in the Forest- 2nd Friday Series

    Health and Invasive Species (June 12); Historic Land Use-How it Shaped our Forests (July 10); Tree ...

  9. A Night in the Forest- 2nd Friday Series

    Health and Invasive Species (June 12); Historic Land Use-How it Shaped our Forests (July 10); Tree ...

  10. A Night in the Forest- 2nd Friday Series

    Health and Invasive Species (June 12); Historic Land Use-How it Shaped our Forests (July 10); Tree ...
