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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. 2017 Ohio Sheep Day

    2017 Ohio Sheep Day Saturday July 15th 8am-4pm. Click here for more information ...

  2. Dale Leppo receives CFAES award

    equipment career fair since its inception 12 years ago.  "If our programs are ever in need of a piece ...

  3. Annual Ohio State Fair 4-H Livestock Judging Contest July 28

    Develop and practice livestock judging skills by placing both breeding and market classes of beef, goat, sheep, and swine. We have added a new non-reasons category for any age to encourage participation, in addition to junior and senior classes with reaso ...

  4. OSU Livestock Judging Camp June 5-7 in Columbus, OH

    Designed for 4-H and FFA members interested in enhancing their livestock judging and oral communication skills. $250 registration fee covers housing, meals, and instruction.Click the link for the r egistration form (due next Monday, May 15) and itinerary. ...

  5. 4-H Council Meeting


  6. Special Interest Judging (except gardening/woodworking/welding)


  7. Junior Fair board Workday


  8. Kentucky Kingdom & Hurricane Bay

    We’re excited to announce that Kentucky Kingdom & Hurricane Bay are making available to all Ohio 4-H members exclusive discounts on ticket packages for themselves, friends and families to enjoy! Celebrate the return of summer with a discount that’s su ...

  9. Youth Welding Workshop

    The Youth Welding Workshop which took place in April was filled to capacity with youth attendees. Due to our very generous sponsors and volunteer instructors we are able to host another workshop June 3 on the OSU Campus. Click here to find information for ...

  10. Allen County Fun Match

