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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. A Profile of Miami County Agriculture

    260,352 acres. There are 12 townships within the county. Due to prehistoric glacier movement, the county ...

  2. Juicy new tomato tech: Quality test takes minutes, not hours or days

    CFAES) For example, “With tomato juice, we can look at 12 different attributes in less than a minute,” he ...

  3. GradRoots' Welcome Back BBQ

    Resources. The cookout will be on the west side of Kottman Hall starting at 12:00 noon. ...

  4. Sierra Club's Associate Organizer in Kottman Hall

    9:00am-12:00pm to talk with students about this opportunity. Learn more about the internship here. ...

  5. Congratulations to newly promoted faculty

    promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure.    On Thursday, November 12, Ohio State University ...

  6. 12th Annual Stinner Summit- Save the Date!

    The inspiration for the Stinner Summit was Ben Stinnner’s rare ability to build relationships based on common interests and his vision, passion, and commitment to building healthy agroecosystems and communities.  The Summit, held in October at a different ...

  7. Event to Look at Farming, Water Quality, Ohio’s Efforts for Both

    public, is Sept. 12 at The Ohio State University. Food and agriculture combined are Ohio’s No. 1 industry, ...

  8. Pumpkin Field Day

    demonstration trial, a variety trial with 12 powdery mildew-resistant hybrids ranging from small to large fruit, ...

  9. This was the polar express: ‘Worst grape damage on record in Ohio’

    to be much larger — estimated at $12 million in a Cleveland Plain Dealer story — in that Ohio growers ...

  10. Growing season: OARDC's organic farming program gets a shot in the arm

    ninth in the nation. In all, the census reported U.S. organic farm sales of $3.12 billion in 2012, up ...
