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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Cloverbud Day Camp Counselors

    Auditorium May 23rd - 6:00-8:00pm, Fisher Auditorium June 3rd  - 9am-12pm, Mandatory  Meeting & Set-Up, ... Fisher Auditorium June 4-6th - Cloverbud Day Camp, 9am-12pm, Fisher Auditorium    ...

  2. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    $1.51/lb and $2.76/lb, respectively. Class III milk closed over two dollars lower than predicted in the ... lb/day and 85 lb/day is about $12.40 and $12.83/cwt, respectively. Both values are expected to be ...

  3. Dairy Outlook: September 2023

    here: This article will ...

  4. Swine

    September 10th- Market Swine Show- 8:00 am- Event Center September 12th- Swine Auction- 8:30 am- Event ...

  5. Indulge Apple Cravings Using A Variety of Apple Recipes

    sunflower seeds (no shells) 3 apples, sliced 1-2 teaspoons lemon juice (optional) 2 tablespoons water ¼ cup ...

  6. Pumpkins Are Stars of the Autumn Show; Here's What You Can Do With Them

    2 cups dry seeds, ½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, 1 1⁄2 tablespoons melted butter and 1 teaspoon salt. ...

  7. OSU Extension Wayne County Fair Programming Schedule

    Gus, an Eastern box turtle. 12:30pm Pottery Demonstration- Adam McVicker, Wayne County Center For The ... display. Tuesday, September 12 10:30am So You Think You Want A Greenhouse- Jeannine Snyder, Ohio State ... Will tell the story of the near demise and spectacular resurgence of the bald eagle in Ohio. 12 ...

  8. John Yost Joins Our Team and Toxic Levels of Hay Nitrates

    Extension.  I served as the ANR Educator in Fayette County, Ohio from 2001 to 2011.  After 12 years at West ...

  9. Feed Market Outlook: Tight Cattle Supply Continues to Hold Cull Cow Prices

    predicted the biofuel use of soybean oil would be 12.5 million pounds, which is 5.9% greater than last year. ... 4.90-25.2% Soybeans ($/bu) 14.20 12.90-9.2% Soybean meal ($/ton) 455 380-16.5% Wheat ($/bu) 8.83 7.50-15.1% ...

  10. Livestock Interview Judging Sign Up

    Livestock interview judging will be held on Saturday, August 12th from 8:30 pm. to 12:00 noon. ...
