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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Shrimp Production Opportunities Continue to Expand

    targeted with fishmeal yield nearly 100 pounds more shrimp. "At an average of $8 to $12 a pound, which ...

  2. Ornamental Weed Control Involves Application Strategy

    April 12, 2005 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Effective weed control in the garden or landscape involves more ...

  3. Soybean Rust Sentinel Plots to Continue in 2006

    would have to have 12 million spores hit every acre in the state all at the same time. With five million ...

  4. When Planting Wheat, Don't Put Eggs in One Basket

    • Plant seeds at a rate of 1.2 to 1.6 million seeds per acre. For drills with 7.5 inch row spacing, this ...

  5. Increased Corn Production Could Pose Grain Storage Problems

    like-- 12.5 billion or 13 billion-- we could face a storage shortage this fall, and weaker cash prices ...

  6. Ohio Soybeans Suffer in 2008

    January 12, 2009 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio's 2008 soybean crop was one of the worst for growers ...

  7. Sastry, International Expert in Food Processing, Packaging, Receives 2007 OARDC Senior Faculty Research Award

    has received more than $12 million in grants, contracts and gifts. He has a Ph.D. in mechanical ...

  8. OSU Extension Supporting 'Women and Money' Programs

    University, Portsmouth. Registration opens June 12. July 21, The Ohio State University – Lima. ...

  9. New 4-H Center Going 'Green'

    2,000 donors have contributed $9.8 million to build the $12 million center, to be built opposite the ...

  10. Easter Chicks and Ducklings: Cute Presents Could Carry Dangerous Salmonella

    cramps 12 to 72 hours after infection. Most people infected with Salmonella recover without treatment. ...
