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Ohio Wood Products

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Proper Hay Storage Techniques Can Increase Value, Decrease Quality Losses

    farmers produced some 1.12 million acres of hay in 2011, Grimes said. “At an average of about 2.5 tons per ...

  2. Chow Line: Know warning signs, risk of diabetes

    Overall, it's estimated that diabetes (both types) affects 1 in 12 Americans, though only about 1 in ...

  3. Ohio State’s Conservation Tillage Conference Supports Research

    provide the most accurate, reliable and current information to participants.” A total of 12 grants were ...

  4. Ohio State Scientist Recognized for Bioproduct, Bioenergy Breakthroughs

    OARDC in 2007, he has received nearly $12 million in grant funding as principal investigator or ...

  5. Quality Assurance Test Out and Training

    2 point each and you must score a 70% or above to pass.  Any exhibitor 12-14 years old (As of Jan. 1st) ...

  6. Middle School Students Learn about Healthy Soil in 4-H Ag Innovators Program

    a growing industry.” At a second event at the end of April, teens from 12 Ohio counties will come to the ...

  7. Gallia County Quality Assurance Testing

    2 point each and you must score a 70% or above to pass.  Any exhibitor 12-14 years old (As of Jan. 1st) ...

  8. Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Available to Speak on Thousand Cankers Disease in Walnut Trees

    Agriculture, which announced the discovery on Monday (12/10). Read the agencies’ press release at ...

  9. Reducing the Environmental Impact of Cows' Waste

    feed,” Yu said. Between 4 and 12 percent of the feed cattle eat is wasted through the methane gas they ...

  10. Commercial Wine Production and Grape Growers Workshop Is Nov. 15 in Southern Ohio

    Contact Jennifer Warfe at 740-289-2071 to register. The deadline to register is Nov. 12. “We are very ...
